Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Canadian Beer

No, this is not about Labbat Blue or Molson. On our last night in Montreal this past weekend, me, Brian, and Mishik spent about 2 hours at the Dieu Du Ciel Brewpub and drank a few beers.

We first ordered Rigor Mortis, classified by the brewery as their Belgian Quad. Wow, was it good. Pretty sure it was around 9.5%abv, which was pretty well hidden. Pretty typical of a standard Belgian quad. We really enjoyed it, although I don't think it touches the Bernardus ABT 12 or Rochefort 10.

Next, I drank Peche Mortel, which is probably my favorite stout in the world. It's brewed with coffee and the flavor is pretty strong. You can really smell the roasted coffee and a hint of chocolate. I had only had it out of a bottle before, but on tap holy jesus it was decadent. There's nothing else to really say about it. It may have been the best beer I've had on tap ever. It was a lot less bitter than out of the bottle, and obviously a lot fresher.

Mishik drank the Solstice D'Hiver which is their barleywine. Barleywine's don't really do it for me, but for what it is, I'd say it's pretty awesome.

I wasn't sure what to order next so I tasted their beer that they brew to taste like absinthe. I thought it was terrible haha but I respect the attempt.

Finally, we each drank a beer called La Clef de Champs. I looked it up on BeerAdvocate and it was listed as a Scottish Gruit but it was incredibly fruity. Not in a lambic way or anything, but I could taste something like Guava or Passion Fruit. I could be totally wrong, as my palette is not as defined as others, but regardless it was delicious and incredibly drinkable.

The bar itself was pretty great. Service was friendly, DJ was superb, and the clientele brought the atmosphere to a very upbeat and happy level. Hopefully I'll have a chance to go back, and possibly tour the actual brewery.

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