Thursday, January 15, 2009

New York's Alright If You Like Meat and Whiskey

So my roommates Todd and Tony, our friend Lou, and I traveled up to NYC this past Sunday to visit our friend Nick who lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn. My mom also rents an apartment in Midtown Manhattan so we had a couple places to stay without having to shell out $$$$$$$$$ for a hotel room.

When we got there, the Eagles v. Giants game had already started so, en route to Brooklyn from my Mom's, we stopped in an Irish Pub called the Hairy Monk to catch the last quarter of the game. The bar had a pretty standard atmosphere with the typical American macrobrews on tap but, to my surprise, they also had the Goose Island IPA which I hadnt had before so I was pretty stoked.

After the Eagles won, we marched what must've been like 5mi to the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn to eat at this BBQ joint Nick recommended. What we arrived at was NOTHING like what I expected. The name of the place was Fette Sau (which I believe translates to Fat Pig) and good lord was it awesome. Everything from the decor, to the meat, to the bbq sauce, to the carver's beard was great. Todd and I shared a pound and a half of meat: half pound boneless pork rib, half pound brisket, and half pound of pulled pork. The meat was tender and flavorful, but my favorite part was actually the BBQ sauce they provided on the table. They had a very interesting list of beers on tap as well, including, if I remember correctly, three different beers brewed for them specifically by High&Mighty, Blue Point, annnnnnd _________. Oh yeah, and they had the largest selection of whiskey I've ever seen. Meat, Beer, Whiskey: What else could you want?

After Fette Sau, we played fooseball and pool at this bar called Matchless. We weren't there very long but highlights included everyone realizing Nick is way better at fooseball than anyone else and the dog in there that looked exactly like my dog, Dylan (it was scary).

We ended the night at this awesome dive-ish bar called The Levee. First off, they served endless free cheeseballs to us. Great first impression. Then I realized the bar was run by pretty much all older hardcore dudes wearing Cro-Mags and Eyehategod shirts so I checked out the jukebox and played some Bad Brains, Black Flag, and Torche. THEN, I realized they had some pretty awesome bottled beers including a couple I hadn't had yet, including the Abbaye De Rocs Tripel. I ended up getting pretty drunk and talking to some Brazzilian guy on the subway ride back to my mom's place and offered him the tootsie-roll pop straight out of my mouth.

I don't feel like writing about the rest of the trip, so go over to Todd's blog to read about what else we did.

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