My birthday is tomorrow, so my Mom and sister took me out to dinner tonight at Vetri located on Spruce between 13th and Broad. I had been hearing a lot of buzz since I started trying to get into good food recently (thanks mostly to Evan) so I made sure to make a reservation about a month in advance. "In GQ this month (the one with Jennifer Aniston on the cover), food writer and Philly native Alan Richman not only calls Italian the New French, but says Vetri is the best Italian restaurant in America." (citation)
The one dish I had heard a ton about was the spinach gnocchi with shaved ricotta and brown butter (pictured above), so I ordered a half portion as my appetizer. I can see why so many people were talking about it because it was heavenly. Very rich and warm. For my entree, I ordered the chestnut fettuccine with wild boar ragu which was very good as well. I had never eaten boar before so I was a little unsure, but there was nothing too strange in either the texture or taste.
The service was great and I even saw Marc Vetri walking around talking to customers. Can't wait to go back again sometime but I'll need to time to save some money haha.
Listening to:
Deerhunter - Weird Era Cont.
Fever Ray - Fever Ray
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